Our 2020 Odysseys, all in one video

As when we set out with Bike Odyssey, our focus remains the same – quality over quantity. We don’t have ambition to be a huge company which runs hundreds of tours a year – our aim is to run a limited amount of high quality Odysseys. So, a maximum of 5 Odysseys a year which we will run exceptionally is our modus operandi. 

Venice by Enrico!

Venice is like a fish, check it on a map, it looks like a big sole laid on the sea bottom. Why did this fish arrive till here to rest..Venice has always or nearly existed as you see it now. Since the dawn of time it sailed to harbours, rivers (…). On the map the bridge which connects the city to the land (Ponte della Libertà) looks like a fishing line: it seems like Venice took the bait.

Hannibal and Spain’s premier aperitif!

Often on tour riders take a liking to an aperitif which becomes connected indelibly with the journey. In the past this has been an Aperol Spritz or in South America the Pisco Sour…now Hannibal has its very own historically linked drink – I can’t believe I never found it before! Great researching Joanna Wakefield and Jose Sanchez! Licor 43 and the historical story of the drink’s origins, supposedly go like this….


As the 100km crew started to come through we were able to catch the tail. Jet streaming alongside cows meandering and munching tall verdant grass in the paddocks. The whippets kept up the pacey stretch, punching into the headwinds. Sharp turn left and respite. As the caffeine and sugars started to deminish their effectiveness. The beauty of Back Forest riding alongside a winding Broughton Creek took away the growling concerns.

Berry Odyssey Challenge 2019

Celebrating our 6th year, come and take on the challenges around Berry and Kangaroo Valley where spectacular cycling combined with some amazing gradients make for fantastic riding. We will be heading to areas never explored before on a Berry Challenge with a little dirt and the usual climbing bonanza!