Health on Tour

Travelling post Covid

How the world has changed at the end of 2019!
This page was initiated at the end of 2021, as our Venetians 2021 Odyssey rolls into Dubrovnik. In the office (as well as on tour) we raised a glass of Champagne at their arrival... After all, it was this Odyssey which was our last international adventure in 2019 before the coronavirus hit and stopped the world for two years.
In this time, we assessed all our departures, not only from a hygiene point of view but from all angles - support, routes, equipment, history, food technology etc. We are happy to say, our Odysseys are improved and better than ever.
What we can guarantee is that as we plan for our future trips, we are doing what we can to create additional precautions and procedures to minimise the danger of diseases like COVID-19. There is an inherent risk in travelling and taking yourself outside of your known environment. We cannot eliminate this risk but we will do our very best to minimise it.

On the flip side, travel, cycling and time outdoors is always invigorating and we are so glad to be back on the road enjoying what we love most.

Below are some of the new policies we will be implementing from now on, on all our Odysseys.

Arriving Healthy

Your health and our team's health is our priority at all times. Upon your arrival, you will be signing a disclaimer and health declaration stating whether you have any infectious systems and agree to notify staff of any symptoms during the course of the tour.  If you arrive on tour with any infectious symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose etc) you will need to see a local doctor before joining the group. We will assist you in doing this and fulfilling the recommendations of the doctor, whether it be that you are fine to join, or maybe have a couple of rest days to recuperate before joining the group.

Staying Healthy!

All our Odysseys are group activities and as in the past, we know and will encourage guests to act with courtesy and respect towards each other. This includes abiding by the relevant current Adventure Travel COVID Cycling Guidelines of hygiene, protection and distancing. We will cover all this pre tour, on our welcome chat and be reminding guests en route. If at any time on tour, riders or guides show any infectious symptoms, we will act immediately to get relevant assistance and advice. This could be a health check with a doctor, a shuttle ahead to a rest day location for health check and recuperation, or in worst case scenario, departure from tour.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

Hand sanitizer will always be available and additional precautions and procedures have been implemented to clean and disinfect the equipment we use. Gloves, masks, and distancing according to the current recommendations will be required of all staff, as well as being available for any guest who wishes to do so. Maybe we could set a new trend in cycle masks!

Picnic and Snack Preparation

We will still serve our renowned locally sourced gourmet picnics, but our guides will be trained to follow recommended guidelines for food service operations, including plating up each rider's food for them. Don´t worry, you still get to choose what you want to eat! It just means that there is one guide in charge of the picnic and no sharing of serving utensils. Of course there will be the usual "gloves off and handwashing" procedure set up at every picnic spot.

Prepared & Trained Guides with 24/7 Support

We are lucky that our trips are on the open road with fresh air blowing in our faces! We have communication strategies in place so that guides have additional resources as needed to both local help as well as 24/7 help from the home office in Australia. Our guides are trained in First Aid and CPR, and are receiving additional training regarding possible infectious disease situations.

Tour Transport

All support vehicles, picnic and mechanic gear are cleaned at the end of each day anyway. However, we will have stricter procedures about guests´day bags and everything being contained in them during the day (a great pressie coming your way!) And, additionally sanitise the van each evening.