Interview with Sam Willis, historian on Venetians Marco Polo Bike Tour – Venice to Dubrovnik 2020

Isn’t history dead? Why do you think it’s important?
History helps us understand who we are, why we behave as we do, and why we live in the world that we do – the modern world that we have created. The past is not inhabited with strangers but our relatives – people just like us who are waiting to be discovered and hoping to be understood. All you’ve got to do is to look in the right places and to ask the right questions and it’ll change the way that you think about the past – and the present – forever.

Our 2020 Odysseys, all in one video

As when we set out with Bike Odyssey, our focus remains the same – quality over quantity. We don’t have ambition to be a huge company which runs hundreds of tours a year – our aim is to run a limited amount of high quality Odysseys. So, a maximum of 5 Odysseys a year which we will run exceptionally is our modus operandi.