John Montagner has literally ridden half way around the earth with us (or a full circumference of Mars!). He has ridden over 20,000km and climbed over 250,000 vertical metres!
This has been over 10 Odysseys including Lionheart, Tasmania, Che and two Hannibals!
So, to celebrate his 11th Odyssey, John is riding free of charge on The Odyssey!
John sets a very high standard for an ‘old bloke’ (as he would say!) and we are very happy to have him leading the way for frequent rider miles! Kay, Sharon, Charlie, the Cliftons, the Waggans, the Kiwis and many more aren’t far behind, and we will be honoured to have any riders back for their 11th Odyssey free of charge.
The picture below is John on Lionheart 2019 at Castle Plankenstein, (one of 10 castle hotel stays on Lionheart!) where we have a fantastic evening banquet in dress up.