aka: Fabi and in my riding days Pantanina - for the ability to climb like Pantani! (Not just a rider, but an Italian professional - winner of the Giro d'Italia Femminile a record five times and the Grande Boucle Féminine x 3!)
ROLE Tour Leader. Pro Rider.
RIDE I like to ride on every kind of climb!
RELAX I love to play with my dog Leo, a beautiful black pointer.
REFRESHMENT I love the Tuscan beef steak florentine.... Oh you mean drink - ok, coke - I love it!
READ The Warrior of Light, Paulo Coelo.
Want to ride with a top class pro? Imagine climbing the Alps on Hannibal or the Dolomites on Lionheart with an amazing lady who has won the Giro d'Italia 5 times and the Grande Boucle Féminine Internationale (the ‘Women’s Tour de France’) 3 times! Fabiana Luperini is a class act and a modest, brilliant person. She will be joining us on Lionheart and Hannibal in 2022!
She is literally one of the best female cyclists ever and we are honoured to have her part of our team.