Lionheart Day: We Will Need Help!

Watch the Relive video here!:

109km,  2,333 ft el 
We packed up the provisions, boarded the ferry for a very early 30 minute ride to the mainland, landing at Punta Sabbioni, with no sign of Richard’s spies, mounted our bikes with a destination being the edge of the Dolomites…we were told Dickie has been training in the region.

Team Canuck staying safe and enjoying the ride!

The first 80km were fairly flat and we got some good speed  going, through fishing villages along the River Sile and River Plave.


After the 80 k  mark it was clear we are going to have some serious climbing, having 2 climbs that were quite challenging…weather today was hot, reported to be 34C, the hottest day riding for me and the rest of Team Canuck this year!


It became increasingly clear that our team will need help defeating Dickie and Team Plantagenet, so using Richard’s tactics we are recruiting a spirited Australian crew and one Brit( who has sworn allegiance to us). But they won’t come cheap! I negotiated their domestique services in return for unlimited supplies of Vegemite…the Brit demanded knighthood but the best I could do is a gig as Canada’s Governor General.

We ended our ride in Cison di Valmarino with the Castel Brando, which dates back to Roman’s times and the Bandolini family.

Dinner in the restaurant there

 ..A very hot day required some post-ride strategy and quenching of thirst

 and a two fisted spritz warrior