Today’s ride was 63.58 km, 305 m of climbing. We began with our departure from Lens in the drizzle with a firm breeze. The first 10 km were slow and difficult as we made our way out of town in quite heavy traffic.
The sun eventually made its way out as we approached Fromelles, but the wind made it quite chilly. The story of Fromelles is a tragic one for the Australian Imperial forces. It is still considered the worst 24 hours in Australia’s entire history as the men of the First Division attacked to try a divert German troops away from the Somme battles, it resulted in minimal gains, no German troops diversions and cost us 5533 casualties. we also visited the new Pheasants Wood graveyard for the recently discovered soldiers and saw a 16 and 17 year old’s graves.

Read the inscriptions carefully. Think about what it must’ve been like for their families
We then rode out to VC Corner and the Australian Memorial on the battlefield itself.

On the way to Fleurbaix for coffee we visited the beautiful small Le Trou aid post cemetery

Continuing north and skirting around Armentieres we crossed the border into Belgium to Nieukerke for lunch. after lunch, I took a group to visit some of the 19 Ridge mine craters including Spanbroekmolekrater or the ‘Peace Pool’ that were blown up on the morning of June 7, 1917, signalling the beginning of the Messines offensive. We then headed on into Ypres in the rain.

Today is the last day of the stage, one and many of our Allies family will be heading home or onto new adventures. It has been a wonderful experience to share with so many awesome people. So visiting the Menin Gate ceremony before dinner was an amazing way to conclude our time together and the Hoffman family was able to lay a wreath, which was very special.