Vikings Day 3: Horby to Randers

Please watch Relive video here:

“A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory”…
And sometimes you have to pay the piper for the song.. After 3 gorgeous Danish days of sun, we woke to rain and big wind.

On the Road: 120 km/ 80 miles I Elevation 884 metres/ 2,892 ft

We started early so we could catch the 11 am ferry as well as to get a coffee along the way. So breakfast at 6am, bags to van 6:45, rolling at 7:15 am. As you can see, it is very light out very early, and look at the flags, this is the headwind we had the whole day, about 40km/ hr!

Managed to see this fella standing in the rain, don’t think he liked being in it either! The coffee shop is closed on Wednesday but Henrick and Sam persuaded the owner to open just for us. Of course we were all cold drowned rats.

while having our coffee break, the sun came out!…but the wind stayed steady at 40 which we fought until km 54 when we dismounted and walked our bikes onto the ferry for a 1 hr 45 min cruise. Most of could change into some dry kits but our shoes stayed soaked.

Had to put up with these 2 crazy cats…I could’ve been napping!

Once over the fjord(ferry was taken to cut 300 km out of our tour, and was our lunch spot today onboard), the sun stayed out for the most part but the wind was still nasty. This is Denmark!! Afternoon snack stop was at km 90 at a cute little church.

The scenery was great( when we could see it, we missed seeing ancient Viking burial grounds due to rain) and a couple encounters with some giant load carrying tractors on narrow lanes. (see in Relive video)

But all and all, another great day on the bike and challenging for all. A cold beer upon arrival at the hotel in Randers(appropriately named The Randers Hotel!) that Sam found in the village of Hersley, an very old Dutch small batch brewery, and ice cold in the cooler!

Life is Good in Randers Denmark

3 thoughts on “Vikings Day 3: Horby to Randers

  1. Charlie—Looks like an amazing trip! We loved Copenhagen when we were there in 2019. Beer is expensive so remember…only one pint per day!—Safe Travels, Glenn & Connie

  2. Wow, that’s a challenging ride with the rain and wind! Are you using a phone or a Go Pro with the videos? Be careful with oncoming traffic and farm equipment. 


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