Vikings: Bergen Rest and Start of Stage 2

”the problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard”…

Today is changeover day…departure for those who only stayed for Stage 1 and anyone joining us to continue to Stage 2 of Vikings.

Bergen is beautifully situated right by the stunning Norwegian fjords. The scenic landscapes are a major part of the experience. Hiking is one popular alternative, as are horseback riding and boat trips.

However we came to ride bikes like besirkers!…but today we rest. I need it. The first 12 days have gradually gotten more challenging as well as beautiful.

Rest days mean a few things; sleeping in, no need to get luggage to the lobby early, laundry, wandering around or just hanging out in the hotel.

Of course no rest day(or any day) starts without a big brekkie… ham and cheese omelette chased with oatmeal and fresh fruit, juice and copious quantities of coffee. Oh, the chocolate croissant was decadently delicious too.

After saying a bientot to our 2 departing guides Julie to Girona and Christiana to near Pisa, I headed out for a look see. Bergen struck me as an old European city, different than typical Scandinavia cities like Copenhagen or Oslo etc. The harbour/wharf is vibrant and fun, lots of colour.

The wharf area is alive with numerous restaurants, cafes and bars. This weekend the Bergenfest is on with lots of live music. Tor, our new Norwegian guide, told us it is a huge annual party with lots of drinking, people come in by land and water to attend. A giant Ferris wheel is a permanent landmark near where the cruise ships dock

Off the wharf there are also some nice parks in the centre of town, old buildings and a great looking train station

There is a funicular that rises from the wharf to the upper neighbourhoods of Bergen and gives a super panoramic view of the city below as well as walking trails in the woods. It is the site of the 2017 UCI World Championship time trials won by Tom Dumoulin

And of course some dinner, you know, just for the halibut, this restaurant in a very old building on the wharf. And we had the opportunity to meet our Norwegian guide and historian Tor, and new guest rider Chris from Australia

Life is Good in Bergen!

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